At TruckShowX we spoke to Sam Korkees, Co-Founder at EVSE, about the challenges to electrify road transport and the challenges compared to the progress already made with passenger cars and SUVs.
“I think trucks are the hardest to electrify,” says Korkees. “Because when you think about it, I feel like we’ve almost got to a point where cars are inevitable. You look at Norway 80%. You look at Europe, you look at the technology we have where you can charge at home at work or on the go. And the networks are being built out although slower than I’d like.”
“But heavy vehicles, can we even get to a parallel with diesel? That’s a great unknown. How are we going to get from Sydney to Melbourne on that one or two charges?”
“How’s there going to be enough power on the way there where they can sit there for half an hour like they would in a normal vehicle; and charge up and have that same experience? And even in depots, that’s a whole other story.”
“For me last mile delivery represents that step one. It’s almost like the first gen EVs you remember the Model S, the Nissan Leaf, you know, they were they were a starting point, an entry point.”
“But I think we would all agree, it’s those big trucks that are going to be a real challenge. But I think we can definitely electrify last mile delivery, with a 250 Kilometre range. Small trucks will be easy.”